Summer Never Ends

Password recovery

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Application Log
Timestamp Level Category Message
03:16:16.615930 trace system.CModule
Loading "log" application component
03:16:16.616555 trace system.CModule
Loading "request" application component
03:16:16.616754 trace system.CModule
Loading "urlManager" application component
03:16:16.616933 trace system.CModule
Loading "cache" application component
03:16:16.617798 trace system.base.CModule
Loading "registration" module
03:16:16.619534 trace system.web.filters.CFilterChain
Running filter YumRegistrationController.filteraccessControl()
03:16:16.619721 trace system.CModule
Loading "user" application component
03:16:16.620351 trace system.CModule
Loading "session" application component
03:16:16.621033 trace system.base.CModule
Loading "user" module
03:16:16.623327 trace system.CModule
Loading "db" application component
03:16:16.623496 trace system.db.CDbConnection
Opening DB connection
03:16:16.624294 trace system.db.CDbCommand
Querying SQL: select message, translation from translation where language =
:language and category = :category
03:16:16.628751 trace system.db.CDbCommand
Querying SQL: select message, translation from translation where language =
:language and category = :category
03:16:16.630614 trace system.db.CDbCommand
Querying SQL: select message, translation from translation where language =
:language and category = :category
03:16:16.632329 trace system.db.CDbCommand
Querying SQL: select message, translation from translation where language =
:language and category = :category
03:16:16.634299 trace system.db.CDbCommand
Querying SQL: select message, translation from translation where language =
:language and category = :category
03:16:16.635971 trace system.db.CDbCommand
Querying SQL: select message, translation from translation where language =
:language and category = :category
03:16:16.638303 trace system.db.CDbCommand
Querying SQL: select message, translation from translation where language =
:language and category = :category
03:16:16.640055 trace system.db.CDbCommand
Querying SQL: select message, translation from translation where language =
:language and category = :category
03:16:16.642004 trace system.CModule
Loading "clientScript" application component
03:16:16.642149 trace system.CModule
Loading "assetManager" application component
03:16:16.642559 trace system.CModule
Loading "widgetFactory" application component